Privacy policy

This privacy policy (hereinafter – the Policy) for Teamgate (hereinafter – We, Us) details how data regarding you (including personal data) is processed: how it is collected, used, shared, stored, and so on.

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This privacy policy (hereinafter – the Policy) for Teamgate Ltd (hereinafter – We, Us) details how data regarding you (including personal data) is processed: how it is collected, used, shared, stored, and so on. Just as We did prior to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter – the GDPR), so also following its entry into force We process your data fairly and lawfully. As providers of sales CRM software, We understand the importance of data protection. We thus take technical and organizational measures and abide by the GDPR, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, and other legislation, to ensure the protection and privacy of your data.


x5 TG Acquisition Co. DBA Teamgate Ltd
Postal address:  5940 South Rainbow Boulevard, STE 400 #52010, Las Vegas, NV 89118
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: +1 725-254-2694


Your personal data is any information regarding you as a natural person whose identity We know or can directly or indirectly establish.

Our Policy applies to all the personal data which We have obtained from you or other persons on lawful grounds.

Your provision of personal data is voluntary, but it is necessary in order for Us to be able to meet the obligations We have undertaken to answer your queries, enable you to apply for job positions that We offer, and so on, as detailed in this Policy.


We have divided all the personal data that We process into distinct categories based on the purposes for which the data is processed and the categories of the data subjects (see below).

Personal data of our employees which is processed: name and surname, personal identification number, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, marital status, education, qualifications, skills, driving license information, hobbies, photos, children’s personal identification numbers, information about income received from Teamgate (salary, bonuses, etc.). When a car loan agreement is made with an employee, We process data regarding the vehicle’s registration number, make and model.

Personal data of employees of our clients and partners which is processed: name and surname, data regarding the employer, personal and/or work email address and personal and/or work phone number, information about the competencies of partners’ employees.

Note: As a data processor, We may process the personal data which is specified in personal data processing agreements concluded with clients.

Personal data of job applicants which is processed: name and surname, date of birth, age, address, phone number, email address, data regarding the employer, work experience, past employers and job titles, education, qualifications, skills, driving license information, hobbies, additional information voluntarily provided by applicants in their CV, data obtained during the selection process (applicant evaluation).

Personal data of information recipients related to direct marketing activities which are processed: name and surname, phone number, email address, employer data including the address of the employer.

Personal data of persons who send Us queries which are processed: name, email address, contents of the messages submitted.


We enable you to create, read, modify and delete events in your Google Calendar account. In order to provide you with this service, we obtain, process, and store a copy of the Google user data contained in or associated with events in your Google calendar account, such as full names, email addresses, list of calendars, and calendar events, files associated with events.
We refer to the Google user data described in the immediately preceding paragraph as “Google User Data.” Google User Data is subject to the additional limitations on its use, transfer, and accessibility set forth below:
We will use Google User Data only to provide or improve user-facing features of the Services that are prominent in the Services’ user interface.

We will only transfer Google User Data to unaffiliated third parties (a) if necessary to provide or improve user-facing features that are prominent in the Services’ user interface, (b) as necessary to comply with applicable law, or (c) as part of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets with notice to you.

We will not use or transfer your Google User Data for serving ads, including retargeting, and personalized or interest-based advertising.

We will not allow humans to read your Google User Data unless:
We have first obtained your affirmative agreement for specific messages;
It is necessary for security purposes (such as investigating a bug or abuse);
It is necessary to comply with applicable law;

Note that we may obtain personal data that is included in your Google User Data from sources other than the events in your Google Calendar account. For example, we may obtain your email address when you register for the Service. Personal data that we obtain from sources other than events in your Google Calendar account is not considered Google User Data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy and is not subject to the additional requirements described above.


We do not process the so-called “special categories” of (sensitive) personal data, i.e., data related to your racial or ethnic origin, political, religious, philosophical or other convictions, membership in trade unions, health or sex life, nor do We process information about criminal records.


We process your personal data to the extent it is necessary to achieve the purposes We have established.

We process the personal data of our employees and of employees of our clients and partners for purposes of internal administration, on the basis of our legitimate interest. We may also process the personal data of clients’ (including potential clients) and partners’ employees for the purpose of entering into and performing agreements and in order to enter into and properly perform agreements/undertakings of Teamgate, also on the basis of our legitimate interest.

We process employees’ personal data for the purpose of entering into, performing and accounting for employment agreements, for purposes of properly performing our legal obligations as an employer, for the purpose of maintaining proper communication with employees, and for other purposes of internal administration, and the entry into and performance of car loan agreements with employees of Teamgate.

We process the personal data of job applicants in order to select the best-suited applicants for employment, and later, with your consent, for purposes of keeping a database of Teamgate applicants.

We process the personal data of recommended potential applicants in order to suggest to potential applicants that they apply for open job positions at Teamgate. We process this data on the basis of the consent of the person concerned. Note that when a recommendation provider recommends a potential applicant and provides Us with that person’s personal data, the recommendation provider is obliged to notify the potential applicant about such provision of data to Us and to obtain their consent for it.

We process the personal data of recommendation providers for the purpose of giving rewards for successful recommendations, in order to meet our obligations.

We process the personal data of persons who send queries via our website(s) or general email address for the purpose of administering the queries and providing responses to them. Persons who submit a query consent to the processing of their personal data in the manner set out in this Policy.

We process the personal data of information recipients related to direct marketing activities in order to conduct direct marketing, including but not limited to sending newsletters, offering Teamgate services by phone or Skype, and extending invitations to participate in events that We organise. We process such data on the basis of your consent or our legitimate interest. You may at any time revoke your consent or object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes as detailed below in this Policy.


We may only disclose your personal data when there is a lawful basis (for example, when that is required by law or an agreement that has been made or We have your specific consent). Such information shall be disclosed in keeping with the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania.

We give assurance that We will not transfer your personal data to any third parties except where that is required in order to realize the above-specified purposes. To accomplish those purposes, we responsibly select the service providers who provide us with maintenance and administrative services, who supply and administer the software and systems we use (e.g., financial accounting software), and who provide other necessary services (data processors who process personal data according to our instructions). Note that Teamgate may make use of data processors who operate and who may process your data in third countries (the USA, for example, as per an adequacy decision). In such cases, Teamgate will make every effort to ensure the protection of your personal data as stipulated by the applicable legislation.


We take suitable technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, or modification, and from unauthorized disclosure or access. For more information about the technical and organizational measures we take, please see here.


We store your personal data no longer than is required for the purposes for which the personal data is processed.

We retain the personal data of our employees and the employees of our clients (including potential clients) and partners for 10 (ten) years, but always at least until the conclusion of the corresponding agreement with a client or partner.

We retain the personal data of employees for 10 (ten) years from the end of an employee’s employment ties with Teamgate, but always at least as long as is required by the applicable legislation.

We retain the personal data of job applicants who have given consent for the processing of their personal data for the purpose of keeping a database of Teamgate applicants for 5 (five) years. When an applicant does not give consent for the processing of their personal data after the selection process for the job position to which they are applying, we retain their data until the end of the selection process for the position to which they are applying.

We retain the personal data of recommended potential applicants and recommendation providers for 3 (three) months.

We retain the personal data of persons who send queries via our website(s) or general email for 5 (five) years.

We retain the personal data of information recipients related to direct marketing for 3 (three) years.


You have the right to get acquainted with the personal data which Teamgate possesses and to be informed about what personal data has been collected, for what purpose it is processed, and to whom it is provided. You can submit a request by email to [email protected] (job applicants, to [email protected]), or to J. Jasinskio 16C, Vilnius. We undertake to ensure that a response is provided no later than within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the receipt of a request.

If in reviewing your personal data you determine that it is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate and you wish to correct it or you wish for Us to discontinue processing of the personal data, you can submit a request by email to [email protected] (job applicants, to [email protected]), or to J. Jasinskio 16C, Vilnius. We undertake to ensure that a response is provided no later than within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of the receipt of a request.

If in reviewing your personal data you determine that it is being processed unlawfully or unfairly or if there are other legal grounds, you can submit a request by email to [email protected] (job applicants, to [email protected]), or to J. Jasinskio 16C, Vilnius, that we delete your personal data (‘right to be forgotten) or cease (restrict) data processing actions (except for storage). We undertake to ensure that a response is provided no later than within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the receipt of a request.


  • To revoke the consent, you have given for the processing of personal data, not thereby influencing the lawfulness of the processing of personal data carried out on the basis of that consent before the consent was revoked.
  • To obtain, in a structured and commonly used machine-readable format, the personal data which you have provided to Us, and to request the transfer of such data to another data controller in the manner established by law.
  • If personal data processed by Teamgate changes, you may but are not obliged to inform us.

In all the abovementioned cases, you can submit a request by email to [email protected] (job applicants, to [email protected]), or to J. Jasinskio 16C, Vilnius. We undertake to ensure that a response is provided no later than within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the receipt of a request.

Note: In certain cases stipulated by law, we may decline to facilitate your exercise of rights when that is necessary for the sake of national security or defense, public order, the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal acts, important economic or financial interests of the state, the prevention, investigation or detection of violations of official or professional ethics, or the protection of your rights and freedoms or those of other persons.

Note: We also inform you that the rights specified above are not absolute and their realization may be subject to conditions set out in the applicable legal acts regarding data protection.

If you think the processing of personal data which you have provided does not comply with legislation that is in force, you have the right to complain to the State Data Protection Inspectorate (, but we kindly ask that you first get in contact with Us.


We wish to inform you that cookies are used on the website. We use cookies for purposes of site traffic statistics, marketing and functionality. When visiting the site, by clicking the “Agree” button in the pop-up information bar you give your consent to the use of cookies.

Service provider Cookie name Expiration Content
Teamgate intercom-id-tb6fv59l 20 years Helps to identify new visitors on the Site
Teamgate intercom-lou-tb6fv59l 1 year Helps to interact with users and analyze user behavior
Teamgate intercom-session-tb6fv59l 1 week Helps to identify visitor sessions
Teamgate intercom-visitor-session-tb6fv59l 100+ years Helps to identify visitor sessions
Teamgate cookie_currancy session Helps to remember which currency to show visitor
Teamgate cookie_currancyTime session Helps to remember which currency range to show visitor
Teamgate referrer session Helps to throttle user traffic to page history
Teamgate tg_language 1 year Helps to remember which page language to show visitor
Teamgate cookie_utmSource session Helps to identify visitor sessions
Teamgate TG-COOKIE-CONSENT 1 year Helps to remember visitor’s cookie policy agreement
.teamgate PHPSESSID session Helps to identify a user session
.teamgate YII_CSRF_TOKEN session Helps to identify visitor sessions
.teamgate conversion_tracked session Helps to identify visitor sessions
.teamgate localtimezone session Helps to identify visitor sessions
Moz incap_ses_689_161214 session Helps to identify visitor sessions
Moz visid_incap_161214 1 year Helps to improve website performance and security
Intercom _mkra_ctxt session Helps to recognize users and provides context for ongoing support conversations.
Autopilothq optimizelyEndUserId 1 year Stores a visitor’s unique Optimizely identifier, for both Optimizely Classic and Optimizely X
Vimeo vuid 2 years Helps to identify new visitors on the Site
Vimeo __utma 2 years Helps to identify visitor sessions
Vimeo __utmc session Helps to identify visitor sessions
Vimeo __utmz 6 months Helps to identify visitor sessions
Linkedin RT 10 minutes Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin
Linkedin _ga 2 years Helps to throttle traffic rate for Google servers
Linkedin bcookie 2 years Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature
Linkedin lang session Session-based cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature
Linkedin liap 1 year Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature
Linkedin lidc 1 day Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature
Linkedin IN_HASH session Session-based cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin
Linkedin JSESSIONID 2 years Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature
Linkedin sl 1 year Cookie used for Linkedin follow feature
Linkedin visit 2 years Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and/or for Linkedin follow feature
Google 1P_JAR 30 days Helps to collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the Site, where visitors have come to the Site from and the pages they visited.
Google APISID 2 years Helps to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Google CONSENT 20 years Helps to remember visitor agreement of the cookie policy
Google HSID 2 years Helps to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Google NID 6 monts Helps to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Google SAPISID 2 years Helps to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Google SID 2 years Helps to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Google SIDCC 3 monts Helps to collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the Site, where visitors have come to the Site from and the pages they visited.
Google SSID 2 years Helps to store user preferences and information when viewing pages with Google maps on them.
Teamgate Blog _omappvp 10 years Helps to identify new visitors on the Site
Teamgate Blog _omappvs session Helps to identify new visitors on the Site
Teamgate Blog om-719084 1 year Helps to identify new visitors on the Site
Teamgate Blog om-success-719084 1 year Helps to identify registered visitors
Teamgate Blog om-success-cookie 1 year Helps to identify registered visitors
Google APIs OTZ 30 days Helps to identify users from Google analytics and G+
Google Accounts ACCOUNT_CHOOSER 2 years Helps to identify new visitors on the Site
Google Accounts GAPS 2 years Helps to remember the preferences of the user settings
Google Accounts LSID 2 years Helps to remember the preferences of the user settings
Google Accounts LSOLH 1 year Helps to remember the preferences of the user settings
Google Accounts OCAK session Helps to remember the preferences of the user settings
Google Accounts SMSV 10 years Helps to remember the preferences of the user settings
Zendesk _app_market_session session Helps to identify new visitors
Zendesk _help_center_session session Helps to identify new visitors
Zendesk _zendesk_authenticated session Helps to identify new visitors
Zendesk _zendesk_cookie 20 years Arbitrary, non-PII settings usually for preferences
Zendesk _zendesk_session session Helps to identify new visitors
Zendesk _zendesk_shared_session 4 days Helps to identify new visitors


When you visit or log in to our website, cookies and similar technologies may be used by our online data partners or vendors to associate these activities with other personal information they or others have about you, including by association with your email or home address. We may then send communications and marketing to these email or home addresses. You may opt out of receiving this advertising by visiting

This Privacy Policy enters into effect as of 25 May 2018, but we reserve the right to update it at any time.

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