The 7 Best Tips to Write Catchy Email Subject Lines

The 7 Best Tips to Write Catchy Email Subject Lines

Even though it’s a small section of your email, it is arguably the most crucial part. Yes, I’m talking about the subject of an email. It’s the first thing a reader sees, and they judge the email by it. It is a vital element of email marketing and has a lot of useful aspects to it.

Whether you are selling a service or trying to persuade someone to read an article on your website, you need eye-catching subject lines that force the reader to focus on your email. Many businesses use variation in their subject lines so that they have a good response from email marketing.

You always need a unique subject line or else it’ll be boring and won’t attract many readers. As a result, you need to learn the craft of making an eye-catching subject line that sells your product. There can be many email marketing strategies for this, but most businesses use some standard techniques.

7 tips proven to provide positive results:

1. Keep it short

Nobody wants to read a long subject line. Just like marketing strategies to come up with a clever line for advertisement, you can use smart ideas for email marketing. Keep it under 50 characters so that a reader can quickly finish reading it. But be sure that it includes simple words that are easy to understand. Your readers are not ready with a dictionary to find out the meanings of your emails.

2. Keep it simple

Don’t use such email lines that can confuse the users. Readers are not dumb to click on an email that tries to lure users. State the main subject of your email in a simple line so that anyone who isn’t familiar with the products of your company can easily understand the topic at one glance. The easier it is, the more clicks it gets.

3. Shock the readers

Ever got an email that had a crazy and shocking subject line that forced you to click on it? Most of us have fallen under this persuasion as our mind forces us to know more about it. But be careful so that the subject line matches with the body of your email or readers’ dissatisfaction will be seen. Some examples can be:

  • Here’s why your marketing strategy sucks.
  • Why are you still not aware of this?

Be careful about these as they will surely persuade people to click, but if the body of your email isn’t good enough, they’ll lose interest.

4. Scarcity

Scarcity is a well-known marketing strategy that has been proven to work well. World-famous marketing teachers have always stated the effectiveness of scarcity in a marketing strategy. When someone has thought of missing out on something good, they always tend to focus on it. This strategy increase sells at a great level. Some examples are:

  • Pay $20 for [product] – Available for 48 hours.
  • ONLY TODAY! Buy now to get a 20% discount.
  • ONLY FOR 5 HOURS! Enjoy our services with a 50% discount.

Don’t spam readers with these types of emails as they’ll find out your strategy. Only send these types of emails once and post another one after a certain period of time.


Everyone likes it when you call them by their name. It has a psychological effect on their brain and makes them feel better. By calling them by their name, you can be seen as a familiar figure, and it increases the possibility of being viewed or clicked. Use “you” to make the email friendlier. You can also use the location of a user to provide a more personalized email, but be sure that it isn’t creepy.

6. Avoid using false promises

Do not use false promises for your email subject lines. It brings a bad reputation to your company, and readers lose their trust. If you have written about an offer in the subject line, but it is not present in the body of the email, it will irritate the reader as he will think he has wasted his time. Furthermore, such a bad experience will take a long time for recovery, and your business will undoubtedly face a terrible time.

7. Use compelling questions

You can ask a compelling question that relates to your business so that interested people can click on it. It is useful because only interested people will click on it and the sells will be higher. You do not only want people to read your email but also buy your product or service. A lot of businesses use the compelling question, so be sure that your subject stands out. Some examples can be:

  • Have you tried these SEO techniques?
  • Are you familiar with the most effective marketing techniques?

Again, be sure that the question relates to your email’s body, and people can have sn idea about your email.

These seven tactics are beneficial for email marketing. With variations in your emails, you can attract more ‘interested’ people who will be willing to buy your products or read your articles. Big corporations are now using email marketing; so it can be slightly hard to stand out. But with the right strategies, you can have success.

Chanchal Soni

Author Bio: Chanchal Soni is a Growth Hacker and CRO Specialist at AppitSimple. She has experience in Email Marketing, mobile app development, digital marketing, social media, content strategy and marketing communications. Lover of huskies, the ocean & boston sports.

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