What is your role?

Sales CRM for CIO & IT Managers

It’s likely that you have vast amounts of valuable data to drive your sales process forward, that’s why CRM security is vital. CIO and IT managers can rest easy knowing that Teamgate back-ups are performed daily, and stored securely for a maximum of one week.

Whether cloud-based or on-site, your CRM management software should be stable, easily integrated with external APIs, and offer zero downtime in order to keep business running smoothly.

With your CRM configure and customise everything from user roles to integrations. New software versions are always full-tested, and open API offers your business great integration possibilities. CRM security is a priority, and Teamgate know that. Teamgate works tirelessly to ensure your data’s security. And finally, your CRM should also be easy to learn, use, on-board, and manage technically – we’re sure it is.

Prized features for CIOs & IT Managers:

  • User-friendly settings
  • Open API
  • Roles and permissions
  • Constant Back-ups
  • User management
  • Date protection

Convinced yet?


Hi, I'm Andrew, CEO here at Teamgate. Myself and my team pride ourselves in ensuring that our customers are powered to unlock their true sales potential. Speak with our team today so that we can learn more about your business and sales goals, and how Teamgate can be effectively utilized to help you grow faster.