Tag - Sales Process

This article provides insights into the sales management process and how to optimize it for success. From lead generation to post-sale customer care, readers will learn key strategies and best practices for each stage of the process. Additionally...

sales pipeline management

Think of your new sales pipeline as a map, complete with well-considered stages, and you won’t go wrong.  Mapping the route A sales pipeline can be imagined as being a road journey from one fixed point to another. On the road you must pass through a...

According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report, more than 70% of sales professionals questioned said that closing more sales is their top priority for 2018. It appears that everyone wants to know how to increase sales. No surprises there, right...

With the technological tools and advancements revolutionizing every field; the sales domain is no different. The management of sales pipelines and the performance management of sales are just a few examples, not to mention many other spots where the...