Deference to Expertise – Respect Insights about the Business from “Experts”

As we all know SaaS is application software that has been deployed as a hosted service and is accessible over the internet through standard browsers. Sales companies use several SaaS to make sales, generate more income or make the job easier for themselves.

One such service used by sales teams is CRM or in other words – Sales Stack. Software that helps in bringing all the contacts, deals & even customers segments that you might have in one place. Nowadays sales platforms sync with social networks and also provide the features that keep track of your tasks and the conversations with the contacts, and this is very useful software for the sales team to keep track of the sales being made or the leads that go cold.

Related: Stuck in a Rut: Why Enterprise-to-Enterprise Business isn’t what it used to be

Factors you should be considering when you look at a sales stack

Choosing a CRM software for your business, that would help in connecting your teams, keep track of your sales, help you in managing your customer relationships, and also provide you with clear and meaningful insights; can be a complicated task when there are too many options available. However, there are many factors you should be considering when you look at a sales stack.

Before diving into getting a CRM, you need to understand why you require a CRM for your business in the first place. It is important that you understand that a CRM is both related to the approaches and the relationship you should be keeping with your customer, as well as the software that you should employ to keep track of those customers. Having a CRM strategy that is used to the right kind of technology can be the most powerful tool in your hand. Before that, you need to determine why you would like to use a CRM.

  • Is it to make your business and yourself more organized?
  • Is it for the purpose of gaining powerful business insights?
  • Is it for the purpose of achieving a history of contacts, leads, and conversations?
  • Is it to make yourself more productive by scaling up your operations?

Being able to manage your customer relationships in an efficient way can be a challenging task. Since there are many more avenues for connecting with the current as well potential customers, many companies have become unsure about how to leverage these avenues for building up a long-term customer relationship. When CRM software is used in a proper way, it helps the business in leveraging these avenues effectively for building up a substantial relationship with the customers. There was a time when CRM was seen as a nonessential solution; however, nowadays CRMs are on a rise.

The need for insights

Since CRM software is expanding exponentially, companies will need to know how to make use of the software to their benefit and how to achieve the ROI much more quickly. Many of companies repeat the same mistakes when implementing a CRM solution. This leads towards the need for insights for the businesses for mastering the Sales Stack in an efficient manner. Certain pitfalls should be kept in mind when you are choosing a CRM solution and the ways to avoid such issues.

The type of insights that you can get from your CRM software is just as good as the data that you put in it. To make sure that the friction of the people, process, and the system is minimized, a CRM that helps in promoting user adoption should be acquired.

  • The bottom-up approach, providing the team with only the things they need
  • Unnatural processes should be avoided
  • CRM with a great UX and easy to use

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As a salesperson or a manager, you should think about the metrics that you wish to see, and you should also make sure that your Sales platform provides you with such insights:

  • Incoming Deals Volume Report
    This report is a breakdown of numbers that shows the deals registered over a period and the percentage of the total deals you secured
  • Sales Forecasting
    This report mentions the total value of the deals available in the pipeline and the amount that your business can bring in.

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  • Sales Revenue Goals
    This helps in the setting and monitoring of individual and team revenue goals that are set with each passing
  • Won Leads/Deals
    The number of Leads/Deals won mentioned that are won by a team or member over any period with conversions.

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  • Sales Funnel Analysis
    This report tells the standpoint of the team at all the points in the pipeline and what your business can gain or lose.

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However, even if you can make your business grow well with the insights you get from the CRM you have employed, you need to ensure that you grow your CRM as your business grows. Just because it is working for you now, doesn’t mean it will work for in the next five years. Look for a Sales Stack that will be a long-term partner for you and your business. Try Teamgate.


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.