Top 4 Challenges of Cloud Computing

Everybody talks about the opportunities brought about by cloud computing in the technological landscape. The integration of cloud computing is being adopted by almost every business out there. This transition to cloud computing can be attributed to the fact that it has the potency to help organizations in improving their data management systems in an efficient way – by cutting costs, bringing flexibility and effective customer relationships.

Although cloud computing is gaining momentum with every new upgrade, and by this, it also means that certain challenges also stand in the way of its implementation and adoption.

Devising a good computing strategy can be very crucial to foresee such challenges. While you plan and implement cloud computing, you also need to ensure that it complements your resources and capabilities, and coordinates with your on-premise infrastructure.

These challenges are not always understandable at the first stage, which may be the reason your cloud computing messes up every now and then. With knowledge about such challenges, businesses can weigh the pros and cons they are going to face with cloud computing.

Some of the most common challenges are:

Security challenges

  •  The concerns regarding privacy have become rampant with the way the digital arena is progressing. And also, the number of cybercrimes, mainly hacking, is on the toll. So, keeping important data on the cloud arises many risks regarding its protection. The data which needs to be kept within the firewalls of the organization can be accessed by any intruder any time they wish to.  Although the stakes are higher for businesses in this regard, however, some protective measures can be integrated to keep the data secure on cloud computing.  To mitigate these concerns, companies can use several security software and applications across their servers. Moreover, the security encryption on cloud data files can also ensure that data stays within the shared area of cloud computing. Also, every organization should have a proper backup storage system channelized through data loss software.

Monitoring of Cloud Computing

  • It’s hard to monitor the activity of the users across different cloud computing software. While using SaaS (software as a service), less visibility becomes a challenge for the users.  Moreover, during the integration of SaaS, this issue must be kept into consideration. So along with SaaS, integration solutions should be included, that can help make the information flow as transparent as possible. These integration solutions must be compatible as well as rich in monitoring competence so that all the in-house activities are under control.

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Reliability Concerns

  • There is no guarantee that your cloud computing is going to work the same way as you want. The frequent server issues and internet outages can slow down the whole work process. Also, the more you depend on cloud computing for all your data storage functions, the more loaded it becomes, leading to technical glitches. So, to tackle this, you can take precautionary measures such as supervising the agility, robustness, and storing capabilities of the system.

Limitations regarding Costs

  • Sometimes the costs of cloud computing are difficult to access as the nature and requirements of such services can fluctuate due to the demand. The service providers may guarantee the service quality; however the scalability of such plans can vary, so target benchmarks regarding costs must be agreed upon within the service level agreements (SLAs).

Related: The KPIs that indicate SaaS is in Demand


These challenges can be overcome by using the solutions discussed above. Although cloud computing can increase business concerns regarding privacy and reliability, it can be an excellent way to overcome overheads that may otherwise be incurred due to the on-premise use of resources and infrastructure. To be on the safe side, businesses must be prepared to take advantage of every up-gradation of the technology in cloud computing and build infrastructure with the customer experience in mind.

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Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.