Teamgate Winbot for Slack: Sharing the Joy

If Mark Twain was a salesman, he would definitely advocate the new Teamgate & Slack integration. He once said that “to get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with” and we couldn’t agree more. In the fast-paced society, one often doesn’t have time to stop, appreciate winnings, and share the good news while they’re still relevant. Luckily, we live in the 21st century and technology is at our fingertips – let’s use it to spread the good news!

By now, you most probably know that with Teamgate you can improve communication with customers, boost your sales and implement set goals. But how about letting people know about the success? Traditionally, you could organize a status meeting and gather a group of people in a room. But we all know how busy work schedules can be. You’re lucky if everyone’s at your meeting few weeks after a deal was closed successfully. However, the good news is the most exciting while still fresh.

Fortunately, we know a way to keep your managers and teams up-to-date with your Teamgate activity, even if they don’t have an account! All you need is to use Slack, a multi-device team collaboration platform. Connect an integrated CRM solution to share instant, automatic notifications when deals are won. A few simple steps and your communication is improved significantly!

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How does it work?

To be able to set up this integration, you will need the most powerful, yet free, app integration platform – Zapier. With this platform, you can connect various products into one solution to use them on a daily basis. So, you need to connect Teamgate with Slack over Zapier using easy selection steps inside the platform.

Create a new channel on Slack, e.g. #DealsWeWin, and make sure to invite the entire sales team, as well as other interested parties, to join the channel. Now, when everybody, including the Teamgate Winbot, is there, real-time notifications about winning deals will be pushed and the good news shared on the channel. You can setup the notification message yourself – include details about a customer, deal size and value, sales reps, etc. It is even possible to add more sophisticated messages and use them to congratulate your sales team member for doing a great job. Because they deserve this, right?

DealsWeWin Channel on Slack

Added value hides in simple things

For those wondering why this integration is better than tracking winning deals inside Teamgate, for example, using pipelines, insights, dashboard, here’s our argument: with this small feature you can be informed of the same minute wherever you are, with no extra action required. As Slack is a multi-device platform, one can be notified instantly, even on the go, because we cannot live without our smartphones and smartwatches!

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Use Zapier wisely to build different information structures and you will improve your team communication by spreading the good news and appreciating great work. You’ll not only be the first one to do that, you’ll also save precious time spent in status update meetings where, most of the time, information shared is often outdated.

In a nutshell, if you decide to use the Slack integration, you will be able to:

  • Instantly share information about winning deals with a group of people.
  • Build the structure of information the way you want.
  • Improve team communication and reach those on the go.
  • Appreciate the excellent work.

Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.