CRM Software Onboarding

Sales CRM and the Fear of Change

Whether you’re graduating from staples to paper clips, double espressos to decaf, or sales spreadsheets to CRM software, the mere act of changing can be more disruptive to your personal wellbeing than those around you will ever realize.

Some people don’t just dislike change, they absolutely fear change.

Fear as an emotion is not abnormal, and it’s most certainly not a sign of weakness. Fear is a necessary part of the human psyche, it’s what kept our ancestors alive.

Your fear of change may not be crippling, but the anxiety itself may be big enough distraction and distort your thinking process. To put it simply, you become prone to making mistakes.

When choosing a new CRM, or migrating from an existing CRM, your thoughts need to be completely focused. And, believe it or not, in this situation, a certain degree of fear can be a very healthy thing.

So what are you afraid of?

Sales CRM Switch Onboarding

Everyone is telling you – your investors, your customers, your financial advisors, and the pages of every business magazine you open – that without the best sales CRM software you’re dead in the water.

But you like the way things are getting done at the moment. So, what’s the point in changing?

OK, in the back of your mind you know that what everyone is telling you is right. But, somewhere in the pith of your stomach, fear is doing its job, asking a lot of very annoying ‘What If?’ questions. You get scared just by imagining what could go wrong – it’s called anticipatory fear.

That’s understandable, but believe it or not, that fear will go a long way towards making sure that you ask the right questions from your new CRM supplier.

With a good dose of healthy fear to keep you on your toes, the questions you’ll need to ask might just sound a little like this:

  • Why do I need to change?
  • What kind of system will I change to?
  • If I do change will it threaten my employees’ security?
  • Will a long onboarding process disturb my sales process?
  • What if my sales team don’t like the new CRM software?
  • Is my data going to be secure?
  • But I know nothing about new technology, is that a problem?
  • Can I afford new sales CRM software?
  • Who’s going to help me if things go wrong?

You see, a little fear is healthy. Without that highly tuned alertness, you might never ask the right questions.

A little fear is good, embrace it

Now that you’ve managed to tame your fear, and turn it from being a rabid wolf into an affable sheepdog, whose sole objective is to guard your flock, you’re on the right road.

It’s time to confront your CRM provider and get the answers you need.

At Teamgate we didn’t want to sit back and wait for our customers to tell us their fears, their pain-points, and their KPIs, so we went and asked them.

Armed with the information gathered from prospective Teamgate sales CRM users, we built up a clearer picture of what it is that new CRM user wants. And more importantly, how Teamgate can deliver on those demands.

Why do you need to change?

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can change your sails to reach your destination.

In business, the wind is always changing. Whether it’s the recruitment or manufacturing processes, marketing or PR tactics, or how sales professionals nurture and interact with leads and customers, nothing ever stays the same.

Your competitors have already gone down the CRM software route and if you want to stay abreast of the pack, it’s time to change.

Or, if you already have an outdated CRM process in place, you might be discovering that technology has already outstripped its functionality and you’re being left in the dark ages.

Teamgate has vast experience in taking first-time CRM users, and sales teams who wish to migrate to a new CRM, through the whole process. With Teamgate you’ll get first-hand knowledge from the real experts. We know our product intimately because we use our product to reach out to you.

What kind of CRM do you need?

If you’re a startup or an SME, a SaaS CRM system like Teamgate is probably what’s going to work best for you.

With Teamgate sales CRM software, you don’t have to be a technical wizard to get your CRM up and running as quickly as possible. Everything happens invisibly in the background and is taken care of by us.

Plus, your CRM is mobile, taking your sales process to wherever you want to go. When you’re on the road, you have instant access to every scrap of information you could possibly need; contact information, past sales, length of time in the pipeline, all communication history, lead score – ranking the lead’s priority, and a host of other vital information.

Just ask us, and we’ll be happy to talk you through the whole process.

Will a CRM jeopardize my staff’s future?

No. A really great CRM like Teamgate is designed to work hand-in-hand with your sales professionals, their expertize coupled with an ever-growing array of tools, features, integrations, and APIs, are perfectly aligned to boost your sales process.

Once-laborious and time-wasting tasks are now simplified or even fully automated. This frees up your sales reps’ time to deal directly with leads and build a lasting relationship. It’s a two-way street that leads to productivity, profitability, and growth.

Will a drawn-out onboarding process affect the sales process?

Yes, a drawn-out onboarding process will affect your sales process. But thankfully that’s NOT the case with Teamgate.

Fast, simple, and fully supportive, the Teamgate onboarding process is designed to have a minimal effect on your day-to-day sales process.

Teamgate customer support professionals are there to walk you through the whole journey. And what’s more, we’ve done it thousands of times so we know what we’re talking about.

What if my sales team don’t like the new CRM software?

CRM Software Fear

If your sales team don’t like or are unwilling to onboard your CRM you have a big problem on your hands.

That’s why Teamgate sales advisors are there to define EXACTLY the right CRM solution that aligns with your sales process and your sales professionals’ priorities. Plus, Teamgate been ranked by Capterra – the leading software evaluation company – as the No. 1 most-user friendly CRM software on the market.

It’s important for you to know the questions you want the Teamgate CRM to answer. To do that you need to really drill down and discover the reasons why a CRM is right for you. Once you know the questions, pain-points, and KPIs you need to address, we can directly address all your concerns.

Teamgate doesn’t just do this in order to make a sale, we really want to be sure we are offering the solution that suits your needs exactly. Remember, it’s in our interest to ensure that you’re 100% happy with your CRM software and its ability to drive your sales to the next level.

Another great way to ensure that your sales professionals are going to be happy with the Teamgate CRM is to have them involved in the process from the very start. After all, they’re the ones who are going to be using it day after day.

What about data security?

Let’s answer this one quickly.

If we can’t be sure that your data is secure, we may as well close our doors now and shut up shop.

Your data security is the foundation which Teamgate is built on. And we intend to keep it that way, using the most modern and most secure methods possible. Here’s some more on Teamgate’s security

Will lack of technical knowledge be an issue?

Because Teamgate is a SaaS CRM, you don’t have to worry about any technical issues. We have the very best people employed to make sure that everything stays running smoothly, and remotely, without you having to even think about it.

From the moment you’ve signed up, you’re ready to go, and that’s it.

In case of any queries that you might have, our customer experience team are on-hand to do whatever needs to be done. And fast.

All this sounds expensive

Teamgate CRM Pricing

Teamgate CRM is designed to be fully scalable and grow as your company grows. That means that when the day comes and your business moves to the next level, you don’t have to shell out on a new CRM solution.

With a range of price plans to suit every size business and every size wallet, Teamgate gives you as much, or as little as you need to keep your sales pipeline flowing smoothly and productively.

You can be assured that we’re never going to try to sell you something you don’t need. It wouldn’t be good for us, and it wouldn’t be good for you.

What happens if something goes wrong?

Even with a very slim chance of something going wrong, it’s good to know exactly what to do.

Once you sign up as a Teamgate sales CRM customer you can be sure that we’ve got your back covered.

If you need help with a problem, a little extra knowledge on how to use a particular feature, questions about upgrading your software, or you just want to tell us something nice, the Teamgate customer experience team are waiting for you.

Our aim is to reply to every individual query as quickly as humanly possible. If you read our reviews you’ll see for yourself just how nice they are.

Teamgate have got your back

Now that we’ve run through some possible concerns you might have when thinking about onboarding a new sales CRM, you can see that there’s really no need for fear. A little anxiety yes, but not fear.

Like we said earlier, fear is a natural, and necessary, part of your make up. Without it, we’d get into all kinds of stupid fixes.

Thankfully, choosing Teamgate as your sales CRM solution isn’t going to be one of those stupid fixes.

Call our people today and you’ll soon realize that there really was nothing to worry about. 


with the most user-friendly CRM on the market.

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Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.

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