Teamgate becomes CRM & Sales Management Category Leader!

New quarterly ranking reports of the Top 25 Products in CRM, as well as Sales Management is here. We are proud because Teamgate was named in the Top 3 & Top 5, respectively & becomes a Category Leader!

The leading Premium business app discovery platform announced Teamgate as the the second best of cloud CRM in Q2 2016 rankings. Unique ‘five-factor ranking’ includes an analysis of product data security, integrations, user ratings & more.

Find best comparison list of CRM applications & tools below:

Top CRM Software 2016 | GetApp

Each app’s GetRank score is completely independent of commercial interests and existing relationships that GetApp has with app vendors.

Along with GetRank, GetApp’s quarterly ranking of business apps within their category, reports aims to make the initial task of finding a cloud-based business software application easier. It identifies trends in the CRM, Customer Service & Support, and Call Center industries, the three focus categories of this quarter’s ranking under the broader umbrella of Customer Success software.

On July 1 of 2015 GetApp was acquired by Gartner Inc.  (NYSE: IT)

Related: GetApp Announces Teamgate as #3 of the Top 25 CRM Apps and Teamgate became a Google Campus Exchange Program Finalist


GetApp uses five data points to rank apps based on a combination of its own unique data, as well as data collected from third-party sources. Each data point was chosen based on its relevance to businesses in the process of choosing business apps, as well as its ability to provide tangible, numerical data. Each data point was scored out of 20, with a total potential score of 100.

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The five data points used to rank each app are:

  1. User reviews– based on the number and quality of reviews on GetApp.
  2. Integrations– based on the number of integrations with other apps listed on GetApp.
  3. Mobile Platforms– based on the availability of an Android and iOS app and its rating in Google Play and the App Store, respectively.
  4. Media Presence– based on the number of followers and fans on Twitter and Facebook, respectively.
  5. Security– based on a security survey developed by GetApp in collaboration with Microsoft, modeled on the Cloud Security Alliance self-assessment form.

For a full report on GetRank check out the information on GetApp.


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.